In The Desert Ecosystem Coyote And Rattlesnakes Both Eat The Same Type Of Mouse As A Primary Part Of Their Diets Recently Coyotes Have Been Hunted And

In the desert ecosystem coyote and rattlesnakes both eat the same type of Mouse as a primary part of their diets recently coyotes have been hunted and killed by people decrease in the overall coyote population how will this most likely affect the rattlesnake population over time

In this situation, it is most likely that the population of the rattlesnake will increase over time. The rattlesnake and coyote eat the same animal, mice. This interaction is what we call competition.

Competition is defined as the interaction between prganisms that utilize the same kind of resource. These resources include space, water, food, shelter, and nutrients. Competition can be further divided into two categories, namely intraspecies competition and interspecies competition.

Intraspecific competition involves competition among members of the same species. This usually occurs in organisms that are highly territorial. For example, two lion prides compete for the same prey in the African savanna. This is intraspecies competition because the lions in that same area are of the same species.

On the other hand, interspecific competition invovles competition among members of different species. Your question is a perfect example of interspecies competition among coyotes and rattlesnakes.

For more information about competition, you may click the links below:


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